
1442 East Lincoln Avenue # 271, Orange CA 92865

US: 714.602.1854
PK: 0336.261.5678
PK: 022.389.5124

An educated mind can teach many

In order to truly empower and elevate communities in rural Sindh, we believe it is imperative that the citizens of this region have access to educational opportunities that are not otherwise afforded to them.

The AB-H Academy has been established to enhance the skill set of younger generations and to help them increase living standards for themselves and their families.

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AB-H Academy

To help prepare students for the various entry tests which are required for universities, government jobs, and Sindh School Education Scholarship Programs.

After-school programs and summer camps are offered which introduce students to courses such as basic computer use, graphic design, and MS Office.

We will soon be offering a comprehensive coding curriculum in which students will learn C# Unity, HTML, and Python which will provide them knowledge and enhance their future job prospects.